Call To Artist
Exhibition Rules
Artwork by Olivia Thornton
Photography Competition
8/26/23 - 10/28/23
Theme - TBD
Thank you to the Rocky Bluff Library for hosting the exhibit.
Prizes: Prizes may be in the form of a gift card and/or cash. Both Adult categories will have a first place and receive a minimum prize of $25. Junior category will have a first place and receive a minimum prize of $15, For full payout of prizes, there must be 6 entries for each category. All rules and guidelines are on our website.
Artwork MUST be original work.
No workshop or class work is allowed.
Submissions should be submitted in the following format for file name - artist last name, first initial, and the number of the entry (smithn001.jpg)
MAX number of entries per artist is 3.
Submissions should be sent via email.
Submissions should be no bigger than 5MB per image
Submit artwork to getinvolved@parrishartscouncil.org with the following information:
Subject : Photography Competition
Include Your name, artwork title, medium, framed size of submission(s), price or NFS and email address.
Photo(s) of your artwork that you are submitting for the Call to Artists.
Youth, must include age as we don't include last names for youth
MAX size with frame is 20 x 24. The number of larger sizes limited based upon the space we have for those.
MIN size with frame is 8 inches x 10 inches
Hanging Artwork MUST be wired hung, in good condition and per the guidelines above. See guidelines on prep for displaying artwork.
You do NOT need to be a member to participate.
Entry Fees - Adults - $25 per entry / Youth - $15 per entry (17 and under)
General Dates
Entry submissions begin TBD via sending an email with your artwork and information.
Deadline to submit entries is TBD.
Drop off completed artwork on August 30, 2025 at the Rocky Bluff Library. Time to be determined.
Accepted entries will be notified on or by TBD via email.
Pick up date is October 25, 2025 at the Rocky Bluff Library. Time to be determined.